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In order to meet the food needs of the growing population, the Department of Agricultural Extension has been able to produce a bumper crop of horticultural crops such as potatoes, vegetables, spices, fruits, and flowers in the last 3 years through the transfer of advanced technology among farmers. The horticulture centers under the horticulture wing have been carrying out significant activities in the expansion of horticultural crops. In this program, the production and distribution of high-quality seedlings/plants and seeds to the farmers has been strengthened. In the last three years (2019-20, 2020-2021, 2022-2023), 137160 fruit seedlings/plants, 60570 flower seedlings/plants, 45700 spice seedlings/plants, 3300 medicinal plants, 286525 vegetable seedlings have been produced through the Horticulture Center. 3949894/- from which revenue has been generated in the last three years.